A meeting of hominids...

We know that Homo neaderthalensis and Homo sapiens existed at the same times and interacted with one another due to DNA evidence found in modern humans. Though, what did these interactions look like? Was is friendly, curious, violent? We don't know this but we can speculate. 

Image of male Neanderthal reconstruction based on Shanidar 1 by John Gurche
Recreation of Shanidar 1 neanderthal by John Gurche

I'd like to believe that it went a little like this: Curiosity peaked among a small hunting group peeking out from behind a clustering of trees as another small band can be seen in the distance hunched over their next meal. There were no noticeable differences between these groups, but they were not of the same species. The successful hunters were homo sapiens while the curious family group were homo neaderthalensis. The youngest of the group of humans, a small boy, notices movement at the edge of the tree line. A young neanderthal girl had slipped past to see the new group. The boy tugs on one of the member’s arm and points to the new group. She alerts the others and their leader and cautiously both groups meet each other. Conflict while meeting up with a new group is rare in this world and while cautious in the beginning, it proves beneficial to survival to share and trade what they have with each other.
